Escape from King George! Causes of the American Revolution Escape Room


Join the road to revolution in this Colonial Rebellion Escape Room! Students take on roles as American colonists and experience firsthand the oppressing rules of tyrant King George! Seven puzzles lead students through the various steps of the Colonial Rebellion, from the Stamp Act to the Boston Massacre, from the Boston Tea Party all the way to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. A Google Form is used to “crack” the codes as students solve each puzzle, all on their way to escaping King George!

Can you solve the puzzles in time and escape from the clutches of King George? In this Escape from King George! American Revolution Escape Room, students become American Colonists and experience the Colonial Rebellion and Road to the American Revolution! On this road to rebellion, students will read articles, solve hands-on puzzles, and find codes that will unlock the next step. This Escape from King George! American Revolution Escape Room is immersive and informative. Teach the build-up to the American Revolution by immersing your students in the Colonial Rebellion!

** This American Revolution Escape Room does involve a digital component. Students will unlock their puzzles in an Escape From King George! Google Form. If you do not have internet access for your classroom, however, you could absolutely just have your students come to you with their solutions after each puzzle! **

✯ Each of the seven (7!) puzzles in this Escape Room comes with an accompanying article covering a different aspect of the American Revolution. 

  • The Stamp Act
  • The Boston Massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • The Intolerable Acts
  • The First Continental Congress
  • The Battles of Lexington & Concord, plus Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
  • The Declaration of Independence 

After reading the article, students will complete a relevant puzzle that will unlock the next step in the Colonial Rebellion! 

Included in the American Revolution Escape Room:

✯ The Escape Room features seven puzzles:

  • Puzzle # 1: The Stamp Act. This article introduces the French and Indian War and the Stamp Act of 1764. The puzzle includes several stamped items (a newspaper, a land deed, a pack of playing cards, and an almanac) with numbers hidden on them. Students read a scenario (an American colonist purchasing items now newly taxed) to figure out the code. 
  • Puzzle #2: The Boston Massacre. This article details the Boston Massacre, and students piece together a “torn-up” copy of Paul Revere’s engraving in order to discover the hidden code. 
  • Puzzle #3: The Boston Tea Party. The article explains the Tea Act and the Sons of Liberty’s response. In the puzzle, students “throw” barrels of tea into Boston Harbor and search for a code amongst the waves.
  • Puzzle #4: The Intolerable Acts. King George’s reaction to the Boston Tea Party wasn’t exactly low-key. The article explains the Intolerable Acts, and in the puzzle students use a logic puzzle to determine where they can quarter British troops in their town.
  • Puzzle #5: The First Continental Congress. The article involves the First Continental Congress, and the puzzle has students piece together Patrick Henry’s famous quote, “Give me liberty or give me death!” as they search for a hidden word.
  • Puzzle #6: The First Battles of the Revolution. The Shot Heard Round the World has fired! The article details the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, as well as Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense. Students search for the next code amongst a map of the first Revolutionary War battles and an excerpt from Common Sense.
  • Puzzle #7: The Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson has finally picked up his quill! This last article teaches students about the Second Continental Congress and the circumstances leading to Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. Students are then asked to read the Declaration of Independence closely — a message hides inside! 

    (There are two options for Puzzle #7. You can create the code in invisible ink (I provide a link to Invisible Ink Pens with U.V. Lights), or use the provided alternate Declaration, which has the code hidden in tiny numbers around John Hancock’s signature.

✯ Besides the seven articles and puzzles, this activity comes with a 4-page review packet that reinforces the key concepts of the articles. 

The American Revolution Escape Room review asks such questions as:

  • Why did the Stamp Act anger the American colonists?
  • What does it mean to “quarter” troops?
  • How many delegates came to the First Continental Congress?
  • Why was signing the Declaration of Independence considered so dangerous?

Plus, the review includes a short essay response prompt:

  • Using details from the material you have read today, describe why it was so important for the American colonists to “escape” from King George. 

✯ The Escape Room also includes a celebratory “WE ESCAPED FROM KING GEORGE!” poster you can have kids hold up if you want to take some victory pictures for the winners!

Aligned to the Florida State Standards for Middle School Civics: SS.7.CG.1.5 The Road to Independence SS.7.CG.1.6 Declaration of Independence.

This resource comes as a non-editable, printable PDF and includes a link to a Google Form.

American Revolution Escape Room puzzles displayed

What other teachers are saying about this resource:

“My students were 100% engaged for the entire class period!”

My students were 100% engaged for the entire class period! They loved all the tasks and I appreciate the mix of some pretty challenging ones and some that were a little easier. That helped balance the frustration level. I teach 5th grade, and work with 90 minutes per class period. Because it was written for middle school, I would probably cut out a task or two only because of timing to fit it into one class period for this younger group. Thank you so much for this awesome activity!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Classroom Cleanup

“The best I’ve ever used”

There was a lot of prep beforehand (make sure you give yourself time to gather the envelopes and cut everything out), but everything was completely and totally organized and spelled out for me. I just went down the sheet of steps, and BOOM! Done! Now that the prep is done, I just reorganized the pieces and saved them away for next year. I loved it and wish there were more escape rooms from this particular seller because I believe this was the best I’ve ever used.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Amy I.

“Huge hit!”

This Escape Room required a lot of prep, but was so worth it! I laminated everything so I will be able to use it again. I ordered the invisible ink pens and those were a huge hit of course! This was definitely a challenge for my 5th grade students, but they were determined to complete the tasks. Most groups were able to complete the activities with minimal help! The teachers pages were very helpful and gave clear directions. Thank you!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Lauren Brown

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American Revolution Escape Room thumbnail shows a display of all seven puzzles arranged on a tabletopEscape from King George! Causes of the American Revolution Escape Room
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