Civics Task Cards: Road to Revolution & Declaration of Independence


This set of 32 task cards cover key concepts and vocabulary related to the Colonial Rebellion, Road to Revolution, and Declaration of Independence! These fun, engaging task cards include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, primary source quotes, and pictures to analyze. Perfect for middle school Civics, American Government, or American History students. Have students review individually, play a class wide game of Scoot, or place them around the room in a gallery walk!

This set of 32 Road to the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence Task Cards make reviewing the Colonial Rebellion fun and engaging for your middle school Civics or American Government students! The Task Cards quiz students on vocabulary and key concepts, with multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, primary source quotes, and pictures to analyze! 

This resource also includes a digital version in the form of a TPT Easel Assessment! Assign directly to your Google Classroom, or generate a link to share with your students through email or your school’s LMS!

Included in this set of 32 Road to the Revolution task cards:

 20 Road to the American Revolution Task Cards

  • Aligned to Florida State Standard for 7th Grade Civics: SS.7.CG.1.5: “Describe how British policies and responses to colonial concerns led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.”
  • 20 cards covering King George, the Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, the Quartering Act, the Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts; the Boston Tea Party; the Boston Massacre; Common Sense by Thomas Paine, the First & Second Continental Congresses, and the battles of Lexington and Concord!
  • Cards review key concepts, people, documents, quotes, and events

Questions include:

  • What sorts of products were taxed under the Stamp Act of 1765? 
  • The Intolerable Acts were in reaction to what act of protest by the American colonists?
  • What was Thomas Paine’s main purpose in writing the pamphlet Common Sense?
  • This was the protest cry of the American colonists, who felt Parliament was levying taxes on them without their permission. “No ____ without ____!” 

✩ 10 Declaration of Independence Task Cards

  • Aligned to Florida State Standard: SS.7.CG.1.6: “Analyze the ideas and grievances set forth in the Declaration of Independence.”
  • 10 cards covering Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence
  • Cards review the structure and purpose of the Declaration, along with analysis of key quotes.

Questions include:

  • What are the three unalienable rights Thomas Jefferson says all people are born with?
  • What date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
  • “When in the Course of human events…” 
    The introduction to the Declaration of Independence is also known as the… 
    A. the Redress
    B. the Preamble
    C. the Grievances)
  • “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
    This quote, from the Declaration of Independence, draws its inspiration from which of the following ideas:
    A. the social contract
    B. democracy
    C. popular sovereignty

Use these cards to review! You can give students a few cards depending on how much they need to review, or set up cards in different stations for the students to work on as a group. 

This non-editable, printable PDF comes with 2 versions of the task cards: a Color option with a turquoise border, and an ink-saving Black & White set. I’ve also included an Answer Key and an optional 2-sided Student Response worksheet for students to log their answers! 

You can also download a digital TPT Easel Assessments version, which turns these task cards into a self-grading test!

Revolution Task Cards are displayed on a table top

What other teachers are saying about this resource:

“Used as a Scoot activity”

We used this as a Scoot activity, so they rotated through the cards to practice the content. They loved reviewing using this activity and they’ve requested we do this similar activity again. I liked that the cards were spot on with the content I wanted them to know to prepare for our exam.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Kristy B.

“Got my classes up and moving”

I used this for US History as a kind of walking quiz and it worked really well. It got my classes up and moving after a very informational very unit and I plan to use it in my civics classes next year!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Heather C.

“Great resource to use for an early finisher activity”

A great resource to use for early finisher activity when covering the American Revolution.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Kendra M.

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